Change the Paradigm or Correct the Mistake? DSM Bible Update

Change the Paradigm or Correct the Mistake? DSM Bible Update

The Bible of Mental Health, Diagnostics Statistics Manual, will receive a revamp to a fifth version (DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association.  This is the first update since the 1994 version. PLACE in league with other associations are of the conviction that this does not go far enough and it is time for a 'change of paradigm' – a polite way to say correct this mistake. You might call the DSM the Monsanto of Mental Health: the attempt to create a global definition of mental health in terms of the mission  and viewpoint of a select group of experts claiming to provide a 'continuity of care' and 'improving diagnosis'. Counter their claims the director of the US goverment's National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Thomas Insel, stated that the DSM "had a lack of validity" and that it is at best " a set of labels".  See: When the head of mental health of the U.S. Government can proclaim that there is no validity to the DSM, one may very well ask at what point does the private 'interest' of groups of experts begin to reveal objectives, intended or not, that are not in line with their proclaimed desire to help people and improve diagnosis. Though the DSM originated in the U.S. and has  worldwide repercussions, it will not directly effect those countries that still adhere to the protocol of the World Health Organization (WHO). This much said, PLACE has signed a worldwide petition to ban the use of the DSM and is inviting those working with it, both individuals and organizations, to sign the petition at: See blogs and petitions at: (Spanish) (French) (English-USA)